Rules for opening an individual account on Jumia

Now you can open your own store and sell your products on Jumia individually simply by following the following steps

Steps to open an individual account on Jumia

  • A valid photocopy of the National id must be presented
  • You must present your tax card with your tax number
  • You must provide your bank account number to receive weekly sales
  • Provide the IBAN of the bank account
Once you obtain the above requirements and submit them to the Jumia employee responsible for opening your account, you will be able to directly open an individual store on Jumia and sell your products directly

If you do not have a tax card and want to obtain a tax card

The following is the method and steps for creating a new tax card

If you want to get a new tax card

The Tax Authority has facilitated the registration process for individuals engaged in electronic commerce, by allocating an electronic form by the E-Commerce Unit and the Egyptian Tax Authority to communicate with those wishing to open the tax file.
All that is required of you is that you fill out the form from the link here and you will be contacted by the e-commerce unit to explain all the registration steps and direct you to your tax office.
Or you can go to the tax office of your place of residence, and you can find out the address of the tax office in your area from here

and to open a tax card please fill out this form

Required documents in the case of the residence that is stated are the same as the one on the national ID card.

-A copy of the national ID card

Required documents in the case of the residence that is stated are not the same as the one on the national ID card.

-A copy of the national ID card

-lease or ownership contract

-Recent utility receipt

In the case of a minor

A tax file can be opened for a minor in his name in the guardian’s guardianship, and the guardian submits the tax return in his capacity as a guardian. The documents required in this case are as follows:

Required documents in the case of the residence that is stated are the same as the one on the national ID card.

-National ID card for the father and a copy of it.

-A mechanized birth certificate for the minor


Required documents in the case of the residence that is stated are not the same as the one on the national ID card.

-A mechanized birth certificate for the minor

-lease or ownership contract

-Modern facility delivery

-National ID card for the father and a copy of it.


When applying to open a tax card, the following are the documents you will receive from the tax authority‏

Examples of document and tax card